Saturday 15 August 2015

God wants to give u good things to remember about Him .

Yes , God wants to give u good things to remember about Him .

God did not always act the same way as He does .Based on past experiences , He always produces instant miracles like helping me to speak to my brother in love few years ago . My brother had gotten the family into unnecessary trouble and stress for being insensible despite being an adult . I was angry for months and hoped he can just disappear from the face of the earth . But God helped me to speak to my brother in a gentle manner and he subsequently changed for the better .that night , I knew it's was not me talking to my brother but rather God using me as my anger was suddenly gone . I then had a revelation what it means to hate the sin but love the sinner .

I felt very bitter towards my parents when they were not understanding when my career was unstable and hence unable to contribute to the household for about 2 years. I was the only child who  faithfully and regularly contributed to the household since I graduated .My siblings only gave as and when they wished . Yet my parents were resentful when I stopped giving though they don't lack provision .It didn't help that they don't encourage me but rather condemn me during that period. People said that it's the Asian parents' tough love but I think it's bad for the child's soul . I find it extremely hard to forgive as I thought the family should have been more supportive during that period . But God gave me a verse and I was able to forgive them in an instant . I wont be able to do that on my own strength. Only God can unlock a deadlock and not condemn me for being unable to forgive .

However , recently I realized that sometimes God will do it in steps instead of instantly . He upgrade my salary in 2 steps unlike previously .
In 2014 , I got an instant job offer from a hospital . That was amazing as it never happen to me before . Prior to the interview , I was meditating on ' only God can produce amazing results ' after hearing Joel Osteen's  's sermon . 



 I rem that it was the same lady who interviewed me few years ago as she is a very nice person  and we totally click . I was very happy to be able to work with her finally . However , the subsequent negotiation with the HR department didn't go well and I rejected the offer .I was disappointed with God and wondered why it turned out this way . I asked Him why can't higher pay and passion go together ?am I destined to have a lower than market rate pay ?  I don't think He should be confined by such things ...

I later gotten another perm job with a higher salary .I left subsequently as the industry was not something I'm passionate about ....  I felt even lower as the trial was getting much longer than I expected . I'm mentally and physically exhausted .


Few months later , I got a very good job offer in the industry that I'm passionate about . It's higher than my expected pay .I didn't expect to get a very good offer plus an industry I love and also good bosses . Wow I finally gotten all that I wanted . Don't give up on your dreams even when the battle gets too hard . Quote from Jo’s  book : satan will hit you very hard when he knows you are getting to your next level of destiny soon . The storm is very big but our God is bigger .He is faithful even though I'm losing faith and thinking of leaving church if I don't get a perm job by jul 2015 . God answered my prayer request in July 2015 ( coincides with my birthday month ) . Yes just like Jo said , God wants us to have  milestones that reminds us of Him . Have a 'break out! '

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