Saturday 1 August 2015

Only God can create A new creation


Only God can create A new creation 

Call it human stubborn ways but it's very hard for you to even change yourself . I would say that I wouldn't be a new creation if not for the trial of 2 years of career tsunami  . It's very painful but in retrospect , I realized that my comfort zone had expanded so much as well as my growth . 

I used to be a planner and I hate to have disruptions in my schedule . If there is any changes , I will replan again . There were numerous last minute changes during these period and I was every frustrated . My plan b,c,d,e all didn't work out . Looks like God's will and mine were very different.


Yes , I wrestle with God just like Jacob . Finally I gave up as I became  weary just like all the men in the bible .I also thought that I had high endurance level but looks like all humans fail ultimately no matter how strong you think you are . When I reached my highest level of frustration , I just gave up on planning altogether .I guess it's God teaching me to live day by day . It's not easy as its against my nature to plan . I later realized that planning is actually a form of ' control ' . It's definitely not easy to completely surrender that to God as I value my career a lot  and it seems that God was not helping me during that season . There were numerous strange bad things that happened to me . I begged Him for help ; I demanded His help as his child but nothing was happening . Things didn't improve and it actually worsen . In my darkest moment , I told God 'it's simpler if you just stop my heart beat rather than torture me ' but I won't entertain suicide thoughts . 

Subsequently , I also realized that there were consequences to not planning  at all . I developed a new approach ie have a short term plan with long term view and flexibility . I figured that I can't override God's will , it's no point trying to fight that battle . I planned whenever there was a need to using whatever information that I had at that time . That reduced my frustrations greatly .

I also came across a book by the great C.s Lewis ' a grief observed ' . A quote goes ' it's easy to trust a rope when you used it to tie something but its hard to trust it when you are using that to save yourself or someone else ' it's only when the stakes are very high then you discover how strong is your faith . I used to think I am very committed to God but when the storm gets too big , there were numerous times that I felt like walking away like the disciple Peter did . I was ashamed but  I also realized how human I was . I have never seen that part of me before .but I tell myself don't judged myself like Judas who killed himself subsequently after he betrayed Jesus . Maybe I could be like Peter who reconciled with Jesus later . ....

I also changed from being too emotional to being less so . I learned from past experiences  that being too emotional was not good but at the same time , I can't remove it totally as that's what made me me ; my identity . Rational friends would tell me that it's not good to be emotional and I agree to some extent but removing that totally would mean I ' lose ' myself and that's scary . I came across a psychology  book that states that in order to survive one needs both ie logic plus emotions . Emotions are important as they are the ' inner compass ' when you are ' lost ' . I'm glad that emotions are not less important than logic . Indeed when the 2 cooperate , it's a formidable combination .I’m glad that I've become a better version of myself and not a totally different person . I finally had a revelation what it means to be a new creation . 


I am thankful that the storm is over . In retrospect , I wouldn't be able to become a new creation without the intense trial . Throughout the storm I kept on asking God : if u are peace , love , mercy and grace then deliver it by actions not just words . I just can't let go of that as that's the reason why I became a believer initially . He did delivered through actions in the end . please refer to my post on 22/7 /15. 


  1. I give thanks for you and your understanding at this juncture of your journey. God will continue to reveal Himself in us as we continue to die to us. I can remember my Damascus Road experience, losing everything materially and immaterially as I understood, to find that I had All. Stay the course and keep the light on...P&L you you as you go your way with God.

  2. Peace and love to you as you go on your way with God.

  3. Its painful to surrender but when one have a greater relevation of God's love, your life is transformed ;)
