Sunday 19 July 2015

Will God leave the 99 sheep just to find the 1 lost sheep?

My birthday is in July and I definitely want to have a good month. The perm job that I’ve prayed still haven’t materialised yet. I think to be fair to all human relationships that I’ve had so far , I won’t let a sour relationship undecided for too long and I decide that end Jul I will decide what to do with the relationship with God. I can’t reconcile a good God and yet not provide me a decent perm job for 2 years. I think provision is a basic human right .It seems illogical since I’ve good ratings from my ex-bosses and yet I cant find a good job.

Like many humans, I don’t enjoy being depressed so I figure I have to change . Maybe removing God from my world may make it better….

Today is my birthday. Just last week . a recruitment agent called me out of the blue and offered me a position. I went down for interview and didn’t expect anything . It went amazingly well and they called me the next day for the 2nd round a few days later. It went also amazingly well with the big boss. It felt so right  . However, due to a prolonged period of prosecution, I’ve learnt to expect bad things and find good ones hard to believe anymore. Called that human adaption . If I didn’t go through such a long period of volatility , I can say that I’m very sure that it’s God’s doing as the probability of getting an interview through the agent is 10% plus probability of being headhunted by them is 0%. I think they will give me a reply by next week. If nothing weird happens again, I should get a job offer…..

I am thankful for the prayers that strangers uttered for me when they read about my disappointment about God.

I withdrew from my church small group as some could not understand and felt that I was insulting God and attacked me. I don’t want to be pushed into a ‘darker valley ‘. Hence, I think keeping to myself is better . God will speak for Himself.

I came across a blog by a pastor who shared that those who has not been through a dark period will not comprehend and may even attack you when you have doubts on God. It’s important to have discernment who to share on doubts about God.

One of the couples from the church small group  invited me to dinner last week and gave me a surprise birthday celebration. I am very touched . I told him that I came across a psychology book and I finally understood why I felt so broken. My self identity and beliefs about the world were all shattered during these 2 years. I ‘rebuild ‘a new identity for myself and recite that to myself and I felt better as time goes by . He said that its possible that God speaks to us through secular stuff too. I don’t deny that its possible but I guess I’ve grown to be unsure of a lot of things during these period. I thought I know my family and yet they treat me like dirt when I’m already in the pits. I thought I know God and yet I’m seeing a different side of Him that I’ve never seen before and its scary . Where is the loving God that I know ? …. No matter what I tell myself no angel nor devil is gonna take away my sanity . I will just deal with whatever situation that I humanly can .

Its hard to trust again when trust is broken . I thought God is more trustworthy than any other man /human but now I’m not so sure. I don’t even trust myself now.



Yes, my desire is that my career be restored before my birthday and maybe it’s already done cos the interview was concluded and everything was good. But I cant silence that únsure ‘voice in me. I used to operate based on trust but since that part was broken , I had switched to the sceptic mode in order to survive.

These few days, it’s strange that I feel so light hearted and just dance to the music . maybe good news is really coming but then I can’t be totally sure. Preciously, I can discern whether my prayer will get answered or not but now I’m just unsure. It’s just a wait and see situation now.I am thankful as I think He will indeed come after the one  lost sheep. But Will I be ‘divorced ‘from God ? or He shows up last minute again and we are reconciled ?

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