Wednesday 22 July 2015

God delivers even when I have great doubts about Him

Just 2 days after my birthday , I got the job offer. I wasn’t optimistic though as there were just too many strange bad things that happened before …. Like I nearly got an offer and then something weird happened. Or I got a lousy offer etc. It’s totally illogical as my ex bosses gave me good appraisal ratings.

 My thoughts before the confirmed job offer was like God is able but for some reason if He’s not willing then no point asking or pushing. Its ok he got so many sheep , even if I leave, it doesn’t matter to Him . maybe he can just change his heart just like the other humans …   all these are in an effort to tamper my expectation . I think my expectations were too high previously and I was disappointed as a result.

It doesn’t help that at the same time , my part time job was giving me problems too. He doesn’t wanna pay me though the job was completed. Its total injustice!!!! I figure it is not worthwhile to fight  a battle for a part time job that pays peanuts though I need to pay my bills. All I want is just a peaceful birthday and I’m not getting it . “Hack it, God.  kill me if you want but don’t torture me’ , I screamed . I don’t want to worship a God who can’t give me peace. I told myself I want a peaceful birthday and didn’t engage in the heated sms argument those few days. It is tough as there goes my temporary small ‘bread’ and my big perm ‘bread’ is not confirmed.  I figure if God wants to kill me( for reasons known to Himself , I still don’t know what great sin I’ve done to deserve this tsunami), there’s  nothing I can do so it’s probably safer that I don’t find work and just hide myself so I won’t get attacks. In spite of all these, I told God for good old times sake, please just give me a decent perm job. Just like couples who divorced and move on to each of their lives peacefully.



But the perm job offer wasn’t just good. It was great and I’m shocked.I got it despite of so many obstacles. 1st of all, I had a very bad sore throat few days before the interview . I went to see the doctor and he said that I should have seen him earlier. He can’t guarantee that I can speak during the interview. I was like hack another roadblock , just deal with it to the best of my ability and see how. … I’m just exhausted being in ‘battle’ mode for 2 years plus now its physical exhaustion, double whammy… But I also discover a new part of me in this process ie I’m a super survivor and I don’t give up so easily.

The day before the interview , my voice had not fully recovered yet. I went to the interview with my ‘sexy masculine ‘voice and hopefully, it won’t affect the outcome. The interviewers were very friendly and caring and it went surprisingly well. It’s hard to let down my guard after being in ‘battle ‘mode for so long. But there wasn’t any battle to fight.

 A shift had happened. The good things are chasing after me. They called me for a 2nd interview shortly. The director is caring and friendly too and I can’t believe that we were smiling and laughing during the interview. It was just too easy and smooth.

They called me 2 days later with an offer much higher than what I asked for.

  I requested for a little bit of increment but in my heart , I’m  prepared to settle for no increment at all . It was a ‘wow’ offer. I also prayed and asked for good bosses and I think they will make very good ones. I realised during these 2 years  that good bosses are more important than good pay. But now I’m getting both. How great is that!. Plus the probability of getting an interview through the recruitment agent is 10% plus probability of being headhunted by them is 0%  . Only God can do that.




God is grace

Above all, I am glad that I was not wrong about God . He is love, mercy and grace and He won’t forsake me even when I want to leave Him. I am also thankful to my pastor, Pastor prince for the gospel of grace he preached , the only thing that keep me going during this tsumami .          

 And also the precious friendship I found in the ‘darkness’. 



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