Sunday 27 July 2014

God can help you to do things which you cant.

The Miracle

Years ago, I had a lot of anger towards my brother for getting into debt and making my parents upset and also make me stressed when the debt collectors started to call home to look for him . I didn’t like the tension at home. There are nights where I felt so much anger that I feel like killing him in his sleep. I felt that it’s unfair for me to be implicated in that as I’m the “innocent party”

One day, while praying, I was impressed by the Holy Spirit that I shouldn’t be so judgemental towards him. We’ve grown apart during these years and missed out each others life. Perhaps something dramatic had happened in his life, that caused him to behave that way. 

One night, while mum was talking to him, I joined in. To my surprise, I was able to talk to him calmly. So calm that it didn’t feel like me. I couldn’t believe it was me. The anger was gone and it’s filled with gentleness. I think it’s the Holy Spirit speaking through me that night. It’s the breakthrough in our communication. Thereafter, he was more receptive towards me. In faith, I lend him some money on condition that he would pay me back. I was afraid to trust him but the Holy spirit guide me to take that step. He did keep his promise.

There were times when mum feedback that it seems that he’s back to his old ways. I continued to claim on to God’s promise that my brother will change for the better.I found that my brother had gone back to the jackpot machines again.  I sms him about it. He denied that he did that and just say that he’s merely gone to withdraw money. The next week, I saw that he had definitely gone back to his old ways as he spends hundreds on a night of gaming. I am deeply saddened by it. I didn’t confront him about it.

A few days later, I told mum about it. A few days later, she told me that brother broke down and confided in her that he felt guilty for spending so much on gaming and not using the money to repay her. However, she was sceptical about his sincerity. I told her that it was a breakthrough that he was finally repentant after all these time. It’s the 1st step towards recovery.He agreed to repay mum the loan which she helped him to pay 1st. For the 1st time, he took responsibility of the problem.Before that, he was just always avoiding or denying the problem . Hallelujah!!

 God is amazing! I didn’t know so many things had happened in the background. Thank God for changing my brother’s heart and also my attitude.
 Even though I didn’t see things happening, God is working in the background. Thank you, Father! Walk by faith and not by sight! 

Sunday 6 July 2014

Seek and you shall find

Before the new project commenced, I pray to God that it’s a new project and hope I will just get a chance to run the project. I make a bold move and tell my boss that I wanted to be in that project. It’s the 1st time that I had the boldness to request for something in my career. I am not a career minded person .  I wouldn’t be able to do it without you , Father. Amen.

6 months down the road, the project started and I got a position in the new team . It was very taxing at 1st. I regretted a bit for having volunteered but I persevered. 3 months later, my boss asked me to head the team. I was very happy but at the same time afraid as I was unsure whether  I am able to deal with all the situations at work.


My colleagues now become my subordinates and it’s rather awkward at times when I need to manage them. It was especially hard with the older staff who had worked here longer than me and I was quite close to him as he was sort of a mentor to me initially. He would not take people talking down to him even if they were his supervisors . My bosses who were his ex- supervisors feedback to me before they passed him to me. They had many clashes with him especially during appraisals which escalated to the union.   I was therefore very concerned on how to manage this relationship. They tried to teach me how to manage him but I had my doubts about their method . I thought a soft approach would be more suitable for a stubborn staff . There were some clashes during the subsequent appraisals when I took over but by God’s grace , it was never escalated to the union. I was also very touched that during one of the appraisals , he shared that he felt that there’s a change in the management style and for the 1st time,he felt that the team was like one big family.

 When I subsequently decided to move on from that job, I was touched that my female staff told me that she was very touched by the things I’ve done for her. How I tried to fight with management for her to work flexi hours due to family commitments. She didn’t want to stay too cos she don’t have confidence in the new boss but she had confidence in me. 

 As a new manager, I am amazed at how I managed to learn management with no formal training . I thank God for his grace and wisdom. I have more confidence in being a leader now.  

Saturday 21 June 2014


I didn’t get a breakthrough in my job search for 9 months . A friend recommended that I go for a course . I decided to take a shot since I don’t seem to be hearing from God.

There was a lot of reflective questions during the course. I didn’t expect it to be more of a course for sales person though.I expect it  be a  life coaching course. Since I had already paid for it , I shall sit through day 1 and see whether I want to continue till day 3 or not. There was a lot of moving around during the course but I don’t feel energised internally. My spirit still feels down.

The positive energy of the rest didn’t infect me…. Sigh.
Towards the end of day 1 , the coach brought Eve to the stage and told us about her problem . She happened to have the same problem as me ( when I had a panic attack previously)  ie fear of taking public transport.
I was reluctant to share my experience with the crowd initially but slowly i began to feel Evon's pain and felt compelled to share my experience in order to encourage her. I told her if I can do it so can she. The coach then performed the ‘’ healing’ for her thereafter. The coach asked Eve to verbalise her fear instead of shaking her head but she refused . The crowd shouted to support her . But I felt that some were not genuine support but more of pressurising her to comply with the coach so everyone could go home earlier. It was about 1 am .
I was uncomfortable with some of the crowd's reaction and felt that it was cruel of some to shout to pressure Eve into releasing her fear . Furthermore, certain things taught in the class conflict with my christian values.  Hence I decided not to proceed with the course further. 

A few days later,I began to have a different view. I realised that I was uncomfortable with feeling pain in my heart. It stems from the pain my mum inflicted on me last year and just 2 months ago, I realised that I subconsciously shut down my emotions when a sis in Christ prayed for me.  

Previously I was a very emotional person . Hence I cannot bear to see Evon's pain in the next few days. With awareness comes positive change . Slowly, I was releasing my ability to feel again. I have unlocked that part of me that I shut down subconsciously . I thank the Lord for divine appointment . a secular course was used as part of my healing. Unexpected ways of the Lord again. Christ is amazing.  


ps: names have to change to protect the privacy of the people involved.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

Do you want to experience God's amazing grace ? If yes, click on below

The song, His Grace still amazes me.

My personal experience with Jesus Christ and the Living God.

Joyce Meyer 's message on living amazed.

Friday 23 May 2014

Even though I have been a believer for a few years, I never knew God the way I did till recently . It happened to be the one of the valleys in my life . It got so low that I was tempted to give up on God since He seems to have disappeared from my life. Why are all the doors closed? what have I done to deserve this ?

I was crying that if I chose to leave God in the end as I need to survive and He seems to be not helping me. I was crying as I felt attached to him and things has to end in ?divorce' . I was crying as I have to go back to days without Him and how will that be?

I resigned in Jul 2013 without a job.
 I had a vision that a house was torn down and rebuilt and I had peace to resign without a job so I did. Little did I expect that things had changed since the last time I resigned without a job. I cant even get temp or part time job in the meantime while i await a perm job. All the options are closed . What will I see on the 1 year anniversary compared to the last experience? The storm is bigger than what i expect . its a tsunami that's drowning me and I don’t see His hands stretched out for me ...
It doesn’t help that on the home front , I have issues too . I harboured bitterness and unforgiveness towards my mum for her favouritism towards my brother though I make the most contribution to the family throughout the years. That’s a whole lot of bitterness built up over the 30 over years that I’ve lived. Where is the justice and fairness in this, God ?!! Didn’t you said you will be fair to me, God but where are you in this ? : I cried out to Him in desperation from my heartwrenching soul.

It doesn’t help that I cant ‘hear’ from God compared to previously. I don’t know why he’s ‘silent’ ? Fellow Christians advised me to meditate on His Word. I tried but nothing ‘pop’out at me . They are just words , I don’t feel His comfort at all.  I’ve never felt so stuck before ; I pray , I read the bible, people pray for me but nothing helps. I’m so stuck , who can help ? The many human voices offering different advice are very confusing . hm I figure out that if humans cant solve my problem then surely God can . I decided that I should go for a personal retreat from God (since he can solve All problems) and hear from nobody but Him alone.

During my retreat , I heard many sermons from pastors who preached grace and I feel myself lifted up and my doubts about God are cleared. I am reminded of His goodness . I especially feel assured when a sermon said that even when you doubt God, he wont leave you . 

After Jesus rose again, he went out to meet not the most faithful disciple but rather the one who had doubt about him 1st. Your doubt will draw Him close to you and not away. It was a wow moment for me. Wow God’s love is really different from human . His love is unconditional.

A fellow Christian prayed for me and told me I need to surrender my heart to God. It dawned on me that my heart is ‘locked up’ and that is why I cant feel God’s love. I was so hurt by mum that I told myself to stop feeling and my heart just ‘locked up ‘ .  I prayed to be able to feel again so that I can connect with God . That’s how I fall in love with Him initially when I chose to be baptised few years ago. I recall how I connect with Him. So I prayed and found some awesome revelations.

I am so touched that he accepts me as I am even my emotional side when some good friends view emotions as weakness. But God didn’t, he created me this way and that’s how I relate to him . I feel his love and not ‘ think’ his love. For the 1st time, I have a revelation that he really knows me before he created me in my mum’s womb.
He also tells me in a gentle voice that I was seeking mum’s approval though I am doing things for her reluctantly so that  mum would stop her unreasonable requests .I thought I am just doing all those things to make her shut up.  He did not scold nor condemn me of my unforgiveness towards mum. He understands my pain and would give me time to work it through. Such gentle and kind is His love. For the 1st time ,I have a revelation that if you realise that how much you’ve been forgiven then you will forgive others. I was very touched and cried and cried…. Tears of joy and revelation. I was finally able to forgive mum cos He did not condemn me and forgave me for my great sin.

I am so amazed that the process was as such. God amazed me yet again.

God also wants to correct my self righteousness that I can also have a big sin in my life ie unforgiveness towards mum. No matter how hard to try I just cant get to the forgiveness part .I am powerless over sin though I usually have good self control.
 I also do have  a dark side that I cant control just like someone who has an addiction problem. Now in my spirit, I truly understand his Amazing grace and his love that surpasses human understanding. Ive very touched , even when I have unforgiveness and even when I was closed to throw Jesus away, he did not let me go.

Once you get to know God and his amazing grace , you just cant walk away and be the same person again. You are transformed.