Saturday 31 December 2022

New year new Hopes and DReams


1 Jan 2023

So glad that my menses finally resume, unexpectedly. OMG God you did it again.

When the gynae told me that my hormone level is so low and I’m having perimenopause . I felt that I’m given the death sentence prematurely.For months, on and off , my anxiety comes n goes…. Unsure whether its’ becos my hormones or anxious character which caused those dark thoughts that I will be lonely, aging, losing my dream of becoming a landlady. As the inflation worsen and I can’t meet my savings target, I adapt by reducing my target savings and trying to find a replacement dream perhaps get a annuity for retirement.


Perhaps, my menses resume is His reminder to me that I shall not give up my dreams no matter how crazy they are. Perhaps he had given those desires to me and not other people. He give me those desires then He shall give me the ability to fulfil them as well.

May He enlarge my territory so I am blessed to be a blessing. 


May He enlarge my territory so im blessed to be a blessing.