Friday 19 February 2021

In the JOB season.. what will the ending be like ?


It’s the day before my health check, horrifying I say !! plus the work stress , the no rewards of giant recharge by flying overseas, . strangely the anger towards God simmer, maybe due to exhaustion … the doubts, where is it too ? perhaps disappear also due to exhaustion.  God’s ways are higher than ours, yes I understd the theory . Surrender to Him, yes I understd the theory and we become like Him day to day. But where lies our uniqueness? He make us unique, doesn’t it. Maybe it’s my love for philosophy...

 I just felt that I’ve scarred from all the battles, the greatest scar of losing my beloved dad, scarred from battles at work and wrestle with God . now maybe my life is at stake.. I’ve reached the end of myself. Can’t even be bothered with the scars on my legs anymore since they will disappear and come back again. 

Am I in the Job trial?Is God just and righteous? the questions that raised in my mind. Some christians don't dare to ask and some offended that I dare to ask God but who cares. Makes me recall a quote that if you never doubt then you can't truly believe. 
 If God really knows me that well, then He will know that I wont respond like Job as we are different... 

1 or 2? which way