Monday 25 February 2019

Grief opens up areas in you that u do not know existed.

Grief affects people in different ways.
 It makes my heart ache to see my once strong dad growing more frail each day. Alas the sting of aging. During the Chinese New year, I suddenly have the idea to do a new year décor together with dad. I can see that he no longer can do certain task. It saddens me greatly but I’ve to maintain a happy exterior and continue to encourage him.  I wept at night in my bed thinking about it.

I suddenly had a pain in my sole while doing the spring cleaning. Despite that  I endured and tried to finish as much as I could. Previously when my mum was around, together with dad, we would do the spring cleaning and shopping. Now I’m doing it all alone and to make things worse, I had pain and suffering from exhaustion. I did not get any appreciation from my family. Worse still, all I get was condemnation and accusation from my brother when I suddenly lost my cool towards dad due to exhaustion. It’s tough to be a full time caregiver and the outsiders think that it’s a walk in the park. He also accused me of leeching on the family for free meals when I moved back to care and spend time for dad. I do not like people who take me for granted and are unappreciative. Hence I resolved to find a part time job while being a caregiver. I also hope to get a perm job soon though I comflicted as I wish to spend time with dad who seems to grow weaker.

Mum passed away 9 months ago. I’m still looking at ‘’death’now as seeing my dad growing weaker each day due to his illness pains me. I was upset that when I see my friends family picture during the lunar year gathering, they always have additions in their family but how come there is only subtraction from mine. God, What have I done to deserve this? Then I started to compare myself and Job . why has Job suffering in the bible only lasted few months while mine is longer than mine. I don’t know how Job comes out of the trial and said he still believed that God is goodness and mercy. I honestly am very challenged at this moment. Will I pass the test like Job need? Then  a sister in Christ told me why was I compare myself with Job and stress myself whether I will pass the test or not? It sets me thinking and my knot loosen a bit. Just be myself and stop pondering on whether I passed the test or not. Take a step at a time.

I also tried to get support from my cell group leader but think I may have shared too much and he seem to lose his patience recently. I was crashed as all  the men I met this season of my life are disappointing and unsupportive. So my cell group leader who was able to support me last season can also fail…. All these events make my heart ache strongly which reminded me of my breakup with my 1st boyfriend.  On those valley moments, I prayed and hope that I have a life partner who could just hold me in his arms/ holding my hands  and tell me that he will always be there for me and everything will be ok. But this prayer reminds unanswered for years. In those dark days, I felt like disciple Paul who said that he hoped that  God can take away the torn in his flesh. The reply is “ My grace is sufficient for you’ …But what about that ‘ You will not make us bear more than I could take’ verse? I felt that I’m breaking down in many areas and on the verge of mental meltdown. I’ve to fight off the ‘pharisees’ in my life to maintain my sound mind and self care.

Dad was in and out of the hospital few times due to his heart condition since the 3rd day of Lunar Year. It’s physically and mentally tired. What drains me more is the family dyamics…much as I tried, more cracks were appearing as the legalistic humans take me for granted. I’ve to set up healthy boundaries.

It’s strange  how grief affects my views in other areas of my life.  I suddenly think that maybe it’s better for me to be single so I wont need to witness my future spouse wither away like a flower. Maybe I should marry someone younger so I will die 1st and won’t need to go through the pain of losing a loved one again. My friend, on the other hand suddenly had the urge to retake her legal course so that she may complete her late father’s dream to be a full fledged lawyer. Such different reactions.
Abba Father, will I still believe in you regardless of the outcome of my dad? I went for church counselling and it did help me to zoom in the root cause.I’ve started meditating on the bible verse that speaks to me on that area for few weeks already. It seems to help but no significant breakthrough yet. How will our relationship end, Lord?