Saturday 5 January 2019

Does faith requires a miracle?

Does faith requires a miracle?

I came across an article that a pastor’s daughter nearly died from a medical condition but she miraculously recovered with no damage  though the doctor’s prognosis was poor. He and his wife prayed that they will serve God faithfully regardless of the outcome before they saw the miracle.

It sets me thinking… My mum passed away few months ago .I prayed for her healing and she passed away the next day. Within a span of 7 days of hospitalisation, she just worsen. Her death caught us and many relatives off-guard. Part of me was disappointed with God but somehow over time, I managed to overcome it  Amazing I thought….  God make me and He knows that I take promises seriously. The ultimate deal breaker is people who don’t keep their promises to me. Will I continue worshiping a God who don’t  keep promises ? my answer is no. Somehow through my tough period surviving the office politics in the previous season, I’ve learned not to feel guilty towards not  keeping my promises to people who don’t keep theirs towards me.  It helps to make me feel more balanced and less stupid and bitter I guess.

How many people can be like Job where God took so many things away from him . Yes he was restored with multiple folds in the end but how can my parents ever be replaced? It’s not the same. My new flat came unexpectedly early but at what timing when my mum just passed away recently, at one point, I thought I might not survive the huge load of juggling work, renovation and being a caregiver to dad. Amazingly I survived that crazy season with no major damage. I am thankful that I didn’t suffer a  mental meltdown.  In the meantime, I continue to pray that my family will came to know you as a God of breakthrough( in their health and mindset), goodness and mercy on their days on earth. I do not know how long I can walk this walk of faith till the end of time as the burden seems to be getting heavier. 

I do not know whether I can survive the blow should dad be taken away too ( as I’m closer to him) but I prayed and begged that he will have a different outcome from mum…  there is only one possibility: since God is unchangeable, then he has to change my mind and let me see willingly the ‘good’ there is if dad’s outcome is unfortunately the same as mum. I also hope that my counsellor’s advice on how to make the grief for terminally ill patients and their caregivers easier by preparing for it.  Yes, I believe that you are a God of miracles but I’ve doubts about whether you will do it for dad or  not?

Yes, I think my faith requires a miracle this time, Lord!