Friday 29 May 2015

Will God keep his words?

Around mar 2015, I threw in the towel. I was devastated by so many issues at the new work place despite my best attempts, I failed. Most importantly, I failed to build a good relationship with my new boss. Just a week into the job, I knew we have very different working style. So I tried to seek friend’s advice and seek to find a common goal instead. I changed my mindset but things didn’t get better cos I realised that her goal is for herself only while my goal is for the team. The ironical thing is that we are both Christians but so what ? She reminded me so much of my last ex boss who was a catholic and yet behaved so badly. More than anything, I was extremely disappointed with God and angry with Him .

When I first got the job, I was just happy that I could buy presents for my nephew and niece and other kids I knew and my beloved friends. The prosecution continues again . I prayed for a good increment in my next job  as advised by the pastor , ask boldly and u will receive. So I did . The monthly salary offer was higher than my last drawn salary but the yearly package was not higher . I reluctantly accepted cos I was desperate. I recalled that I prayed for higher monthly salary and not yearly. I thought maybe I prayed wrongly. He did answer my prayer. …

I left the job without a new job . I learned some lessons too. I thought I passed His test  but the prosecution continues . I took up a course which may open new doors for my career . Many issues surfaced again , I tried to deal with it but many were beyond me. How long must this go on? Its been almost 2 years. What have I done to deserve this ?

Things had been rocky since Jul 2013 when I left my last job. I had seen many new things including new insights about myself and also the ugly truth about the conditional love from my own family . I valued relationships the most and that ‘killed’me. My heart was shattered and my soul ‘died ‘cos I had faithfully contributed to the household all these years and yet all they cared was themselves . Yes I am independent and wouldn’t ask for help unless I need it but I do appreciate help.
I asked for daily manna by finding part time jobs but that didn’t come until much later. And the help came from a unbeliever. Where are you , God ?  then the new job came and I thought I was ‘saved ‘but the prosecution continued ..

Sorry , God I think you run out of time. I think 2 years is enough. It’s a matter of survival and I do have bills to pay. You have all the time in the world but not me. I guess relationship with you is just like other relationships that may turn sour over time. I did my best and if that’s not good enough then too bad. I asked you for a reason and you don’t want to answer . yes I know that I cant force you. I had given you more time than I had given  any other human . I had loved you but it appears that your love is similar like my parents . It’s not reciprocal.

Didn’t the bible say that you will correct but wont break the child’s spirit ? Didn’t You say that you will not make me bear more than I could take?  It’s sad but I need to move on. Fellow Christians tried to encourage me and prayed for me. I’m thankful  but I told them , God has to show that He honours his words and not anybody else  .pastors are not even responsible for this. Everybody must answer for their own words and yes, I take promises seriously and I hope He do too. Jul 2015  will be 2years, what will I see ?  goliath  reminds ? or I’m ‘divorced from Him cos I’m  disappointed that He didn’t keep his promise.